by Admin | Dec 11, 2017 | Spanish - Mrs. Gutierrez
3rd Grade: This week in third grade students will learn about subject pronouns, they would also work on a small project about ” The Day of the Dead” (Mexican Holiday) Homework: Workbook pages: 12 4th Grade: This week ion fourth grade students will...
by Admin | Dec 5, 2017 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING – Last week our essential question was, “How do our senses help us learn about the world?” We have been discussing our senses and using them for different activities. One of those activities were making and eating popcorn. Our essential...
by Admin | Dec 4, 2017 | Spanish - Middle School
6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will learn about food in Spanish as they prepare for a second project about Typical Dishes for Christmas in Hispanic countries. Test 2 : Monday 12/4 Homework: handouts and on Google Classroom 7th Grade: This week in seventh...
by Admin | Dec 4, 2017 | Spanish - Mrs. Gutierrez
3rd Grade: This week in third grade students will learn about Subject Pronouns in Spanish. Homework: Workbook. page 12 4th Grade: This week in fourth grade students will learn about The Family in Spanish Homework: Workbook. pages: 53-55 5th Grade: This week in fifth...
by Admin | Nov 27, 2017 | Default
We are beginning the very busy Christmas season at Trinity Lutheran. It is a time for music and celebration as we await the birth of Jesus. It’s a time of year that I look so forward to sharing with my students. Please be sure to thoroughly read through the...