by Admin | Jan 29, 2018 | Spanish - Middle School
6th Grade: This week in sixth we will continue learning food and drinks vocabulary words. January’s test will be on Friday February 2nd on the following topics: Food and conjugation of regular Er verbs 7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will learn...
by Admin | Jan 29, 2018 | Spanish - Mrs. Gutierrez
3rd Grade: This week in third grade we will continue learning food and drinks vocabulary in Spanish. Homework: Handout 4th Grade: This week in fourth grade students will continue learning body parts vocabulary in Spanish. Homework: Handout 5th Grade: This week in...
by Admin | Jan 22, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Unit 3, Lesson 11, begins with the essential question, “How does the weather change in different months and seasons?” We will answer the question by reading and discussing the stories, Every Season, Jump Into January, and Holidays All Year...
by Admin | Jan 22, 2018 | Spanish - Middle School
6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will learn conjugation of regular er verbs in Spanish. Homework: handouts and on Google Classroom. 7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will learn how to conjugate all regular verbs in Spanish (ar,er and ir...
by Admin | Jan 22, 2018 | Spanish - Mrs. Gutierrez
3rd grade: This week in third grade students will review once more gender and number of nouns. We will start a lesson on food. Homework: workbook pages: 36-37 4th grade: This week in fourth grade students will learn body parts in Spanish. Homework: Workbook pages:...