by Admin | Mar 12, 2018 | Spanish - Middle School
6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will be learning about the use of “hay” there is and there are in Spanish. Homework: Handouts and Google Classroom 7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will start a chapter on the use of imperatives in...
by Admin | Mar 5, 2018 | Spanish - Middle School
6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will have their end of the month test on Monday on the following: La Casa and conjugation of ar,er, and ir verbs in Spanish. Our chapter for this week is about how to ask and give directions in Spanish. Homework: Google...
by Admin | Mar 5, 2018 | Spanish - Mrs. Gutierrez
3rd Grade: No school on Friday 4th Grade: This week in fourth grade students will be reviewing for the test, Please have students review at home as well 5th Grade: This week in fourth grade students will be reviewing for the test, Please have students review at home...
by Admin | Mar 5, 2018 | Default
It’s hard to believe it’s March! The class is in full swing with new units and chapters and so much to learn! Please be sure to read the note going home today about how we will be incorporating March Madness into our classroom this month. We will...
by Admin | Mar 4, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING – The theme for our next unit is, various topics in General Science. This week and part of next week we will answer the essential question, ” What kinds of things do scientists do?” We will read, Dear Mr. Blueberry, What is...