by Admin | Apr 23, 2018 | Default
We are in our last trimester of 4th grade. I have spoken to the class about making this their personal best trimester. They should be thinking about working their hardest, studying the most, getting the best grades, and being the best overall student they can be. ...
by Admin | Apr 16, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Our essential question is, “What kinds of things could happen on a hike?” We will read Nicky and the Rainy Day, Sheep Take a Hike, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, and The Builder and the Oni, to help us answer the question. We are reviewing the...
by Admin | Apr 16, 2018 | Spanish - Middle School
6th Grade: This week in sixth grade students will learn ordinal numbers and part 2 of food and drink vocabulary words. Homework: handouts and on Google Classroom 7th Grade: This week in seventh grade students will continue practicing expressions with tener, and learn...
by Admin | Apr 16, 2018 | Default
This week we will be administering the Terranova Exams. There is no way to study for these tests but students should arrive to school on time and well-rested. Number two pencils are required for the tests so please be sure your child has those available in...
by Admin | Apr 16, 2018 | Spanish - Mrs. Gutierrez
3rd Grade: This week in third grade students will continue learning descriptive adjectives in Spanish Homework: Handout 4th Grade: This week in third grade students will learn possessive adjectives in Spanish Homework: Workbook pages 46-47 5th Grade: This week in...