by Admin | Oct 8, 2018 | Default
Dear Parents, Thank you for joining us at Green Meadows Farm on Friday, it was a beautiful and fun day! This week we will be learning about the color orange, the shape oval and the number 5. We will continue exploring the letter “B”. We will be playing...
by Admin | Oct 8, 2018 | ECC5 Pre-K - Ms. Todisco
The Lord be with you during the coming week! Thank you so much for your support and participation in our annual pumpkin farm trip, This week in Chapel we will be learning about the ministry of the Comfort Dogs. Social Studies: Our trip to the farm continues as we...
by Admin | Oct 5, 2018 | Default
The 4th graders had a great time celebrating Winn Dixie Day! Our discussions had all of the students talking about how they connected with the characters in the story. I truly enjoy reading aloud to them each day, as I find it is a way for them to be immersed in...
by Admin | Oct 2, 2018 | Default
We had a delightful time visiting the Fire Island Lighthouse last Friday. Although the weather wasn’t great, it was still amazing to learn the history of the lighthouse and to climb to the top and see the view! Thanks to Ms. Blocker, Mrs. Shehigian, Ms....
by Admin | Oct 1, 2018 | ECC5 Pre-K - Ms. Todisco
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus, our children’s best Friend! JESUS’ TIME: Our Creation Books are nearing completion and soon will arrive at home. Please look for them. MATH: We are reviewing positional words and patterning. Graphing our choice...