by Admin | Oct 29, 2018 | Default
Thank you so much to Mrs. Shehigian and Ms. Dillehay for some fall fun on Friday. Thanks also to Mrs. Au and Mrs. Desvarieux for sending in the snack and juice. We will be having several other parties throughout the school year and it’s always nice to have...
by Admin | Oct 27, 2018 | Default
Dear Parents, We had a great week learning and celebrating Sumair, Ethan and Elyssa’s birthdays. This week we will be learning about the color black, the number 8 and octagons. We will also begin exploring the letter Ee and words that begin with that letter. In...
by Admin | Oct 21, 2018 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- Our essential question is: “What kinds of work do people do?” To help us answer that question we will read and discuss the stories, Pizza at Sally’s, Everybody Works, The Elves and the Shoemaker, and The Lion and the Mouse. Our sound this...
by Admin | Oct 21, 2018 | ECC5 Pre-K - Ms. Todisco
May our Lord Jesus be with you and your family! As we begin a new week of learning, we are continuing our study of the family. Jesus Time: The families of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph and God has plans for all our families. Literacy: We have read about bear...
by Admin | Oct 20, 2018 | Default
Dear Parents, This week we will be learning about the color brown, the number 7 and hexagons. We will also begin exploring the letter Dd and words that begin with that letter. We will be working 2 art projects in our classroom this week. The first is a marble painting...