by Admin | Jan 20, 2019 | Default
Dear Parents, This week is a short week as we had off on Monday to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and we will also be off on Friday for Parent Teacher Conferences. We will be reviewing letters A-N, numbers 1-11, and all the shapes that we have learned. We will...
by Admin | Jan 18, 2019 | Default
This week I will be administering Benchmark exams in Math and Language Arts. We give these exams in the beginning, middle, and end of each school year to measure individual student growth in various concepts. There is no way to study for these exams but students...
by Admin | Jan 14, 2019 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING- As we begin our next unit, please note, that our high frequency words will increase from one to two words per week. Please practice all words on a daily basis, so your child can learn to read fluently. Our essential question is,”How does the weather...
by Admin | Jan 12, 2019 | Default
Dear Parents, This week we will be reviewing letters A-M, numbers 1-10, and all the shapes that we have learned. We will be learning the letter Nn this week. I am also beginning to step up the independence in an effort to prepare the children for kindergarten. I have...
by Admin | Jan 11, 2019 | Default
In Social Studies we are learning about the American Revolution. We have been watching the video series called, “Liberty Kids” about two young people from the opposing sides of the war during that time period. Some of the kids have asked about watching...