by Admin | Feb 10, 2019 | Default
Dear Parents, This week, on Monday, there is another Parent Kindergarten visitation day for those of you who have sent in your permission slip. Please have your child wear red on Thursday, February 14th as it is Red Day in the ECC and it is also Valentine’s...
by Admin | Feb 8, 2019 | Default
The 4th graders have been working on persuasive essays about school improvements. This week we will be passing the final copies along to Mrs. Forte to read and comment on. Last week we ended several units and chapters in different subject areas. This week we will...
by Admin | Feb 4, 2019 | Kindergarten - Ms. Vollono
READING – Our essential question is: “How do animals use their different body parts?” We will answer the question by reading the stories, A Zebra’s World, What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? and Poems About Animals. The stories from our...
by Admin | Feb 4, 2019 | Default
The 4th graders had a blast at our Superbowl event last week. It was great to see them working together on all the different challenges that they faced throughout the day. This week there will be two exams so please be sure your child has adequate study time,...
by Admin | Feb 3, 2019 | Default
Dear Parents, Thank you for your cooperation in washing and sending back your child’s nap mats this weekend. This week, on Monday, there is a Parent Kindergarten visitation day for those of you who have sent in your permission slip. We will be reviewing...