READING – Our essential question is, “How do living things change as they grow?” We will answer the question by reading, Is it the Wind?, From Caterpillar to Butterfly, and Anansi and the Grasshopper. Our high frequency words are:ca find, from, but,...

ECC 5 April 3, 2019

May the peace, mercy , and love of Jesus be with you all in this holy season of Lent! Thank you so much for all your help in making the ECC circus a success.  Your children looked so great in their costumes and the gym was beautiful. Our children have begun their...

4th Grade News – week of April 1st

This week we will be administering the Terranova Exams.  The school wide testing schedule will be the first three periods of each day.  It’s important that students arrive to school on time and with several number 2 pencils.  The tests are broken down into...


READING- Please refer to last week’s post for lessons to be learned in Reading as we are not finished with our topic. MATH- The class is beginning Chapter 8. In this chapter students will learn to represent,  count and write numbers to 20 and beyond. You can...

Mrs. Agostino’s Pre-K Class: Week of 3/25/19-3/29/19

Dear Parents, This week is vegetable day on Thursday. Thank you in advance for your donations and continued support. Also please send in a package of index cards for us to use to make sight word flash cards. We will work on one each week to make a packet for your...