Upcoming Exams!

7th grade Quiz Wednesday October 2, 2013 on months, days of the week, the date, the numbers. Extra help Tuesday from 7:45am-8:15am.   8th grade Quiz on Friday October 4 on the months, seasons, weather, days of the week, weather, time. Extra help will be Thursday...

Kindergarten Corner Week of 9/23-9/27

READING- We will continue with letter recognition and left to right progression. We will also begin to identify things in our world that begin with letters a-k, discuss letters in specific words, learn that words are part of speech and can written in the form of...

Mrs. Simone Week of September 23rd

    Hello everyone, TEST – Tomorrow Tuesday, September 24, 2013. This will cover writing and solving variable equations, including two-step, multi-step, two-sided variable equations, consecutive integers, and formula transformations....

4AA Class Notes – Week of 9/23/13

  Thanks so much to all the parents that attended Back-to-School Night. I hope you had an informative evening. REMINDERS: 1. Our class trip to BOCES is this Tuesday. Please make sure your child has a bagged lunch and is dressed comfortably. Layers are best. Mrs....