Kindergarten Baking Day

Kindergarten Baking Day

Mrs. Uss’ Kindergarten class recently celebrated Thanksgiving by learning how to bake their own cranberry nut bread. Students had to carefully read the recipe and properly measure each ingredient before adding it to the mix. While some children cracked eggs and...

Mrs. Simone – Week of November 18th

Hi everyone, We will be having a QUIZ on Friday, November 22nd. This will include solving and graphing linear inequalities. Remember….when you multiply or divide by a negative number the inequality sign reverses direction.

Mr. Anderson’s Class Notes 11/20/13

Regents Earth Science- In Earth Science, we just completed a lab on finding the epicenters of earthquakes. We have begun our study of surface processes and landscapes.   Life Science- Last week we took our chapter test on Heredity. Students seemed to do pretty...

Nursery : Week of 11/18 – 11/22/13

  This week in the nursery classes, we are finishing up our art projects for Thanksgiving. Our top secret gift and card for the family are completed! We made a Where is Turkey? book which helped us with positional words. We are continuing with our do-a-dot letter...

Meet the Teacher This Week!

I am looking forward to meeting with parents this week.  Please come to your scheduled conference time prepared with your child’s report card and any questions or concerns you may have.  I try to adhere to the ten minute meeting schedule, however, as a parent, I...