
6th grade-This week the sixth grade will review “La casa”  vocabulary. They will also learn how to use and conjugate the verb “Estar”. Finally, they will use the verb Estar with prepositions. Students should expect a quiz next Tuesday. Tarea...

Integrated Algebra – Week of Februray 24th

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed your break and are rested up. We will be continuing with Quadratic Functions this week. There will be a TEST on Friday, Feb 28th. This will cover GCF, FOIL,  and Factoring. For factoring you must know the four different steps. 1. GCF...

Mr. Anderson’s class notes 2/24/14

Welcome back from break!   Earth Science- We are currently studying Chapter 6, Earth’s History. We will learn about correlation techniques and determining geologic ages as well as radioactive decay. We will also be doing a lab on Wednesday that goes along...

4AA Class Notes – Week of 2/24/14

REMINDERS: 1. International Day is Friday, February 27th from 7-9pm. 2. For the third quarter, I will be requiring that ALL homework except for math be written in cursive. TESTS THIS WEEK: 2/27 –  Spelling Test (Unit 22) UPCOMING TESTS/QUIZZES: 3/5 -LA Test...

Ms. Hansen’s Notes- Week of 2/24

Welcome back from Winter Break! Before the break we enjoyed some Valentine’s Day related activities. To help review two-digit addition and subtraction, the students spent time at a math center separating their sums into two piles. Here’s a look at what we will...