Trinity Times week of March 10th

Trinity Times week of March 10th

Greetings From Our Pastor There once was a small town barber who charged $5 for a haircut. He was a talented and competent barber, and his business was doing well. Then a large haircut franchise moved in right across the street. The sign in the window read, “All...

Kindergarten Corner Week of 3/10-3/14

READING- We are reviewing Unit 4 this week in preparation for a test on Wednesday, 3/19. See study sheet that will be sent home on 3/12. MATH- We continue to explore the concept of one less with numbers 1-10. RELIGION- Our Bible stories concern the miracles, Jesus...

4th Grade hosts Chapel this week!

The 4th grade classes are excited about hosting Chapel this week!  We are preparing to share our special message and introduce our community service project, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.  Our special guest will be Bishop Hezekiah Walker who is a partner...

Ms. Hansen’s Notes- Week of 3/10

Last week our entire school participated in Read Across America Week. Every day of the week, all the students had 15 minutes of DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time. Everyone in the school was reading at the same time each day! Here is a picture of our class during...