Nursery Classes Week of 4/14 to 4/16/14

This week  the nursery classes  began the three day week with our LSA Egg Relay. We had tons of fun doing our relay race with Easter eggs and big kitchen spoons. The children took a lot of care and  pride transporting the Easter eggs! Thank you for all  the...

A Look Into Our Library April 14

  Happy Easter! Books we read last week: ECC – “Little White Rabbit” Kindergarten – “Muncha, Muncha, Muncha” First Grade – ” The Story Of The Easter Bunny” Second Grade – ” T-Rex Cottontail”...

Mrs. Simone Week of April 14th

Hello everyone, I am so proud of all of you. As we begin the final quarter of the year, please stay focused. You have come such a long way since September.  If you can over Easter break, try to work on some of your regents reviews that are due after we return. This...

Ms. Hansen’s Notes- Week of 4/14

Last week we created flip books to help us remember the three states of matter. Inside the flipbooks you will find facts about solids, liquids and gases. On the front, the students drew many great pictures of items they identified as solids, liquids or gases....


6th-This week the sixth grade have filled up their “frijoles” or beans jar. As a result, we will celebrate with a fiesta. Students will also watch the movie Frozen: Una Aventura Congelada. Also, students will discuss “La semana santa” from...