Kindergarten Corner Week 4/28 – 5/2

  READING- We are reviewing Unit 5 this week in preparation for our test on Monday, May 5th. A review sheet will be sent home on Tuesday, 4/29. MATH- Our class will be learning to write and solve math addition sentences. RELIGION- Our focus continues to be the...

Welcome Back 4A!

  I hope that everyone had a blessed Easter and enjoyed some time off with your families! We will be listening to some poetry this week and then writing a few poems of our own!  Before starting our next Math Module, we will review Module 4 and the exam will be...

4AA Class Notes – Week of 4/28/14

REMINDERS: 1. Until the end of the year, I will be requiring that ALL homework except for math be written in cursive. 2. 4th Quarter is officially underway! Teacher appointed parent teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, May 1st. If you would like to schedule a...