A Look Into Our Library May 19

This is the last week students will be able to check books out from our library.   Books we read last week: Kindergarten – “Sourpuss And Sweetie Pie” First Grade – “Spike The Mixed-Up Monster” Second Grade – “Hugo...

Trinity Student Update – 5/16/14

“The 4th grade is proud to have Sion as our citizen of the month. Sion was recognized for being a responsible student. He is new to our school this year and has really become a wonderful addition to our family. We are very proud of Sion!” – Mrs. Melissa...

Nursery classes – Week of 5/12- 5/16/14

This week in the nursery classes we are: Art:  Mrs. Krass’ class is painting butterfly wings to wear when we release our five Painted Lady butterflies on the playground. The students are also making a life cycle of the butterfly project using pasta. We will also...

Trinity Student Update – 5/15/14

“The 4th grade at Trinity Lutheran School is proud of Arielle C. and her good heart.  Arielle brought in a “Box of Kindness” and came up with the idea that when someone in our class does something kind, a student can write about it and put it in the box. ...

Trinity Student Update – 5/14/14

Student Update: “Trinity Lutheran School’s First grade class is so proud of Dhillon M. For his 7th birthday party he asked his friends to bring gifts he would donate to the children’s hospital, instead of bringing him birthday presents. He collected many items that...