Nursery Classes -Week of 10/20 – 10/24/14

Thank you to all the parents who were able to make it to our ECC Parent Night. We certainly hope you enjoyed experiencing some of the activities your child participates in at school. A big thanks to the parents who donated refreshments for the evening. This week in...

Trinity Student Update – 10/22/14

“Mrs. Flomer’s first graders took their first Terra Nova achievement tests last week.  I am so proud of how hard they worked at doing their best! Freddy was our Star of the Week, and enjoyed all the classroom privileges that come along with it.  He did an...

Trinity Student Update – 10/21/14

“The nursery children have been learning all about talking to God through prayer. The children have been offering suggestions about when and where they can pray. Some of the ideas presented during class discussion are when you are happy, sad, at bedtime, at mealtime,...

Mr.L Week of 10/20

Earth Science 8: This week we continue our study of latitude/longitude focusing on our use of latitude and longitude with minutes (for more precise locations).   I will not be in school Wednesday-Friday (going to be with 7th graders in Koininea). During my absence...


READING- Our essential question is, “Why do people have to take care of their pets?” We will seek to answer that question by reading, I Have A Pet!, Please, Puppy, Please, Different Kinds of Dogs, Baby Bear’s Family, The Party, and My Cat. We will...