1A Class News – Week of 11/3/14

Class News: Our new “Star of the Week” is Zaire! We can’t wait to learn about him and he’s looking forward to all the fun privileges! Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected] REMINDERS:...

4th Grade News

The class made adorable little turkeys last week at our Fall Party.  Thank you Mrs. Chiariello, Ms. Johnson, and all the families that contributed goodies!  We had a lot of fun. It’s hard to believe that our first marking quarter comes to an end this week  You...

Trinity Student Update – 11/3/14

“Mrs. Lively would like to give a shout out to the fifth grade classes for being so excited about their service project of supporting the Hicksville United Methodist Food Pantry this year, Everyone was well behaved during our trip to see the pantry and the director...

A Look Into Our Library Nov. 3

Happy November! Books we read last week: ECC – ” The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid Of Anything” &  “Runaway Pumpkin” &” Sixteen Runaway Pumpkins” Kindergarten & First Grade – “The Little Old...

Mr. Livingston week of Nov 2

Happy November!   Earth Science 8: This week we will wrap up our study of latitude and longitude. We will have a QUEST on this material on Wednesday 11/5. Extra help will be given Wednesday morning. Thursday we will begin our study of Topographic Mapping. 7th...