The Trinity Times – 12/8/14

The Trinity Times – 12/8/14

The Trinity Times December 7, 2014 Dear Trinity Family, The Halls are alive with the Sound of Music!  Come and share the joy of the Savior’s birth as you hear the children perform their Christmastime concerts. Mrs. Eileen Pollitt The Instrumental Christmas...

Trinity Student Update – 12/11/14

“We are so pleased with our nursery class students! They are hard at work learning all the words and hand motions for the Jesus songs they will be singing at our annual Christmas program and party on December 15th. The children sound wonderful and they especially love...

Nursery- Week of 12/8-12/12/14

We have been so busy in our classes as we await the celebration of the birth of  Jesus. This week we are: Art: Finishing our Christmas projects. We are having so much fun! Jesus Time: Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem, The season of Advent and Jesus/Christmas songs...

Trinity Student Update – 12/10/14

“I am so so so proud of Mrs Ryan’s Kindergarten class! They learned how to correctly set and pass (bump) for volleyball! They used balloons to practice these volleyball skills correctly and did an outstanding job!” – Ms. Plank


READING- Our theme is ways that animals move and how they use sounds to communicate. Lesson 8 in Unit 2 teaches us to use describing words,(adjectives), like color words, when writing sentences, to use a period at the end of the sentence and a capital letter at the...