1A Class News – Week of 1/5/15

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Christmas vacation! Can you believe the 2nd quarter is almost halfway done? Time is really flying! We wanted to wish a very special happy birthday to Laila! She celebrated on January 4th. Have a great week, and...
The Trinity Times – 1/5/15

The Trinity Times – 1/5/15

I received a Christmas card quite a number of years ago and saved it.   It is displayed in a quiet corner of my home where I am reminded here and there of its message that tugged at my heartstrings back then and still does today.  You see, Christmas is a very...

Welcome to 2015 in 4th Grade!

Happy New Year!  I hope that all of the 4th grade families had a wonderful Christmas and a delightful holiday vacation.  I know the students will be ready to get back to work this week.  We are starting many new topics in our academic subject areas.  It is important...
Student Update 1/5/15

Student Update 1/5/15

“The 4th grade had an amazing visit to the Museum at Hofstra University this week.  They donned lab coats and filled out passports as they traveled back in time and studied artifacts from Asia.  All the students were inquisitive and learned alot!  We will visit the...

Welcome Back to Science! Mr. L 1/5

Welcome back!   8-E-Sci: This week we continue our Astronomy Unit.We will begin the week with the electromagnetic spectrum and end it with the doppler effect. 7-Life Science: This week we will wrap up parts of a cell, and make comparisons between plant and animal...