Trinity Times 1/20/15

It’s Healthy to Have Fun!      I was very excited when I found out that I would be working at the school I had attended.  Some of my favorite and best memories were created when I was a student at Trinity Lutheran School.  Now that I am the Physical Education...

1A Class News – Week of 1/20/15

  Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected] REMINDERS:      Encourage your child to READ every night to strengthen their skills. Don’t forget you can have them read all different things – the...

Nursery Classes- Week of 1/12-1/16/15

This week in the nursery classes we are continuing with our shape unit. Please enjoy our  nursery art wall in the ECC hallway. We added our stamped squares. Art projects: Mr. Square Bear puppet / Mr. and Mrs. Square Bear, stamping squares, color a square for our shape...

Mr. Livingston week of Jan 19th

Trinity Special Notice: YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE! PLEASE PURCHASE ONE! 🙂 Livingston Class News: I am very excited to announce that I am beginning to incorporate Google Classroom into my classes. Slowly we will make this very valuable high tech tool part of everything we...