Welcome to PreK & K-8 Art!
Your child will be bringing home a parent Information sheet or contract after his/her first day of Art. This sheet will outline important information about our class. *Grade 3-8 students also have the contract posted in their ART Google Classroom and should return the signed contract back to me.
***Please visit my class notes/blog (under Specials on the school website) every two weeks to catch a glimpse of what your child is learning and creating in Art. You will find information regarding our latest project, up-coming events, important dates, possible homework assignments, art contests, and art-related links.
All students in K-8 should have a smock or old shirt. Older students may keep this in their lockers.
All students will need to bring a pencil to class. Students in Gr. 3-8 will need their Chrome books and planner as well. They will receive important announcements, homework assignments etc. as well as reference information and videos related to our lessons.
Of course, you will not want to miss our Annual Student Fine Arts Festival occurring during the entire month of May. *** More information regarding this exciting event will be forthcoming. All completed student art work/projects are kept in class folders at school. After the Fine Arts Festival the artwork will safely be returned to your child to take home. (Usually the first week of June).
Should you have any questions you can email me at [email protected] or call the school office, leave a message, and I will be happy to get back to you by the next day.
I am looking forward to a fun and creative year with all my classes!
~ Mrs. Ellen Kerwin