This Week in Art

FINE ARTS FESTIVAL  —  Our K-8 students’ artwork will be on display throughout the first floor hallways the entire month of May.  Don’t forget to look for your child’s artwork when you come to our annual Spring Concert/Program this upcoming May 14th!  Our Art students have worked really hard this year and their creative artwork is a testament to that.  

ECC ~ Paper Plate Ladybugs

Kindergarten ~ finishing up Paper Sculpture Playground

1st Grade ~ artist A. Calder’s Stabiles

2nd Grade ~ they are adding texture and color to their Picasso Faces

3rd Grade ~  the blown glass of artist D. Chihuly/Mini Macchias

4th Grade ~ Color Theory/Complementary Rip & Paste Collage

5th Grade ~ Patriotic Collage/Construction Paper

6th Grade ~ Room Design/1-pt Perspective Drawing

7th Grade ~ Color Theory Collage

8th Grade ~ Sunset Silhouette/Watercolor and Tempera

Art Elective ~ Painting on Glass

Keep Creating!

Mrs. Kerwin