This Week in Art
Our ECC classes will be starting their Watercolor Coffee Filter Easter Bunny project. Kindergarten did an outstanding job on their Self Portraits and will be starting a unit on Color Theory. They will be learning about the Primary colors and the Color Wheel. First Grade will finish up their Primary and Secondary Turtle Color Wheels and will enjoy a lesson on the season of Spring in art. This will culminate in a Spring Watercolor project. Second Grade will be reviewing Primary and Secondary colors with a fun secondary color palette-mixing project.
The Third Grade will be finishing up their Book Character Masks. Fourth Grade will be learning about Complementary colors on the color wheel. This lesson will result in a Complementary Rip and Paste Construction Paper Collage project. The Fifth Grade class finished color blending the Intermediate Color Wheel using colored pencils. They worked very hard and did an excellent job on this! They will be creating an Analagous Color Collage using four, favorite analagous colors next to each other on the color wheel.
Our Sixth graders will be starting an Abstract Shoe Value Drawing using their sneakers this week. The Seventh Grade will be starting a “Words in Art” Construction Paper Collage. Finally, the Eighth Grade will start a lesson on artist Georgia O’Keefe which will culminate in a large flower drawing using chalk pastels.
Keep Creating and Happy Spring to All!
Mrs. E. Kerwin