This Week in Art
Our ECC classes will be learning about the artwork of W. Kandinsky and will make a fun circle print painting just like the artist. Then it will be time to get ready for our Spring projects: Easter, insects and of course flowers! Kindergarten through Grade Five classes will be starting a unit on Color Theory. Kindergarten will learn about the color wheel and be introduced to the Primary colors. First and Second grades will review the color wheel and be introduced to Secondary colors. In the Second Grade we really want to reinforce remembering these secondary colors. Fourth Grade will learn about the Complementary Colors and Fifth, the Intermediate and Analogous Colors. Each class will work on a painting project to reinforce their learning.
Our Middle School students have been busy creating projects using texture in art. The Sixth graders are finishing up designing a Sports Jersey, Seventh Grade is almost done with their Animal designs and Eighth Grade will complete their Initial texture squares this week as well.
The Art Elective group will finish up the 2nd Trimester with the completion of their special “Room Designs.” This project incorporates both interior decorating skills and perspective in drawing.
Keep Creating!
Mrs. E. Kerwin