This Week in Art

ECC4 and ECC5 classes will be pasting pieces onto their Baby Jesus Nativity Scenes and sprinkling gold glitter on the star for extra SHINE!

I’m so proud of our Kindergarten students who have done such an amazing job drawing their Nativity scenes.  This week they will add a little SURPRISE to their art work. 🙂

Our Fabulous Firsties did an incredible job handling glue bottles (NO KIDDING 🙂 when they pasted lace doilies onto paper plates to make their ANGELS.  This week it’s all about the shiny embellishments of glitter, lace and pearls that will add the extra dazzle to “our” angels’ ANGELS!  These will be a bit fancy!!!

The Second graders will finish up their lovely Poinsettia Sponge Printing project this Tuesday….coming out so beautiful!

Third Grade will add some watercolor paint to their Crayon Resist Nativity drawings this week.

Our Fourth graders are doing a wonderful job coloring in their Cubist Style Angel drawings.

The Fifth grade class has begun the process of cutting out pieces from aluminum foil cake and pie tins to create Tin Art Angels.  I can’t wait to see their individual designs of perforated tin that will illuminate the angel when a battery operated candle is placed in the center!  Stay tuned…..

This week the Sixth Grade class will start a chalk pastel Northern Lights drawing that will be used to decorate a New Year Calendar.

Seventh graders will start a lesson on Split-face Self Portraits, half of which will be drawn using a mirror and colored pencils to reflect their actual faces. The students will draw images that reflect “their personality” to replace facial features on the other half of the self-portrait.

Eighth Grade will continue their Radial Symmetry designs based on a chosen theme.  After they complete all of the tracing the students will choose a color scheme to enhance their individual designs.

Keep Creating and Enjoy this Advent Season!

Mrs. E. Kerwin