This Week:

ECC — Coffee Filter Turkeys

Kindergarten — Watercolor Turkeys

Gr. 1 — Poppies in Perspective

Gr. 2 — Monet’s Lily pond

Gr. 3 — We are making the centerpieces for our school wide feast (don’t forget your soup can)


Gr. 5 — *** Fifth Grade Parents/Guardians:  Please read the packet your student brought home last week regarding the 2019 National Missing Children’s Day Poster Contest.  We will be working on this in art class for the next two classes.  The theme for this poster is Bringing Our Missing Children Home.  All students will need to know how they will portray this theme by this Wed., Nov. 7th’s class. The poster paper will be provided at this class. The due date is not until January 15th.  Please remind your child to keep the poster in a safe place until it needs to be sent in along with the application and consent forms.  Any questions on this please feel free to email me at [email protected].

Gr. 6 –Sneakers in Motion Painting

Gr. 7 –Still Life

Gr. 8 –Scream/Phobia Drawings

Elective — Hands in Motion/Cool and Warm colored abstract art

Keep Creating and Enjoy Your Week!

Mrs. E. Kerwin