Welcome Back Everyone!

Please remember to bring in a smock or old shirt that you can keep in school for those extra messy projects.

This week in Art:

ECC Classes — Welcome to the Art Room/Monet’s Lily Pond

KA — How Artists See the Seasons/A Fall Tree Collage

1AA — My Rainbow Fish/watercolor and craypas

2AA — How Artists See Animals from the Bible/drawing in crayon

3AA — Faith Ringgold/A Favorite Family Memory Quilt Drawing

4A — Norman Rockwell/An Everyday Activity Drawing

5A — Transformational Pencil Drawing – from shoe sketch to what?

6AA — Falling for Foreshortening/creating space and optical illusion in art

7A/7AA — Tissue Paper Collage/Darrah Gooden

8A/8AA — Picasso and synthetic cubism/still life paper and paint collage

Keep checking this blog each week for new projects, events or important information.

Keep Creating!

Mrs. E. Kerwin