Thank you for all the birthday wishes. It was a good day. We have another busy week. Here’s what’s going on…

Religion: Jesus and his parables.
ELA: We will be reading and exploring a Storyworks issue. Students enjoy fiction and non-fiction texts
Grammar: Irregular verbs
Vocabulary: Unit 9 in text
Writing: We will finish our ‘How To’ compositions and continue paragraph pracitce–journals
No spelling or Weekly Reading Homework
Math: Ch 16: Multiplying Decimals: Quiz MOnday 4/22, Test Tuesday 4/23
SS: Ch 5 The Revolutionary War-lesson 3- test upon completion
Science: Unit 3: Spaceship Earth-test upon completion
Uniform shorts and sneakers can be worn beginning 4/22
Work Back Wednesday folders will go home this week.

Thank you for all you do for your children. As we are in the third trimester, their is more independent work and responsibilty. They can do it!! Please remember that if a student is out of class for any reason, he/she is responsible to make up what is missed. I am here for explanantion or assistance with this.

Have a wonderful week…..