Spelling: Words. No test.
S.S.: Ch 10: test Tues.2/10. foldalbe. We are finishing our postcard from ‘The Secret Soldier.’ We are finishing our ‘history circles.’
ELA: Reading: ‘We Were There Too.’ Comprehension quiz Friday.
Grammar: Transitions. On quiz Friday.
Writing: We are looking at Opinion writing and will be writing a persuasive essay together.
February book report: Historical Fiction: Due 2/27. Directions going home this week. Students should pick a book and have it approved by Friday.
Bible: Next verse test 2/10. We are reading ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.’ It is a wonderful, well written story about a rabbit who takes a journey, through no choice of his own, and finds compassion deep within himself. We are running chapel Wed. We are talking about the power of words. All are welcome to attend.
Field trip to Hofstra to see Percy Jackson: 4/1. Please send on $11.00 and the permission slip as soon as you can.
The Spanish Honor Society is collecting dog and cat food. Please send in anything you are able.
Field trip to Philadelphia: Thursday, May 21st. All students must be accompanied by a parent or other adult.
Have a great week. Stay safe and warm. We are half way through the school year! Wow!
Please welcome Mrs. Garthaffner, who will be substituting for Mrs. Gallo until she returns after she has her baby.