Last week the students wrote delightful poems about themselves which we have displayed on the bulletin board in our classroom.  We enjoyed listening to poems and guessing what they were about.

We will begin our final Math Module this week.  The students have worked so hard and come so far in this subject!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in 4A!

Week of: May 5-9

Spelling: kindness, treatment, stillness, apartment, fitness, pavement, weakness, shipment, brightness, agreement, placement, illness, enjoyment, darkness, movement, softness, boldness, payment, thickness, sadness

Vocabulary: courtesy, merit, regain, worthy

Writing Journal Assignment:  No journal assignment this week in order to allow students time to complete their Inventor Reports.

Math: Test on Module 4 and begin Module 5.

Science: Chapter 12, Why Does Matter Have Energy?; Science Thursday with 4AA

Social Studies: Chapter 9, Inventions and Industries

Reading: Ongoing free reading in class, reading notebook, conferencing

Language Arts: Adverbs that tell how, when, and where

Religion: daily devotions


  • Monday – Math Module 4
  • Thursday – Memory Quiz
  • Friday – Spelling

Important News:

  • There will NOT be Math Extra Help this Wednesday.
  • Inventor Research Reports are due on Friday, May 9th.
  • Picnic T-shirt order forms with payment of $5 are due NO LATER than Friday, May 9th.  We need to allow the proper order time so please be sure to send in your child’s order form this week!
  • Monday, 5/12 is the Spring Concert.  You can look forward to your child’s first band or orchestra performance!


This week’s Prayer Video: