I hope that all of the 4th grade students and their families had a blessed Easter and enjoyed some relaxing time off!

We are back and ready to begin the final stretch of our school year.  I explained to the students that it’s important to look to finish out the school year doing their personal best and really utilizing all of the study habits and strategies that they have learned throughout the year.

We can expect to go outdoors for recess most days now that our winter temperatures are behind us.  Please be sure that your child has a pair of sneakers in school to change into on a daily basis.

Week of: April 13-17

Spelling:  event, humor, rapid, music, relief, planet, detail, unite, frozen, figure, siren, polite, hotel, protest, punish, defend, relax, habit, student, moment  Challenge Words:  rumor, jealous, license, image, rival

Reading Vocabulary:  appreciate, blaring, combination, promptly, introduce, nocturnal, feats, effort, suggest, racket

Reading:  “The World According to Humphrey”; “Make the Switch”; fantasy, characters, theme

Grammar:  comparative and superlative forms of adjectives

Writing:   Summaries, Poetry Unit

Math: Relating fractions to decimals

Science:  Review Chapter 9, graphic organizers, test next week

Social Studies:  Chapter 6, Lesson 1 Forming a Government

Religion: daily devotions


  • Friday – Reading, Grammar, Spelling

Important News:

  • Math extra-help Wednesday, 7:45 am
  • Next week is our second semester of the Hofstra program.  The museum educators will come to school on Tuesday and we will visit the museum on Thursday.  More details will be provided in a note home.

This week’s Prayer Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWpvknKuYrg