Greetings! This is a rather exciting week for 8th grade as we anticipate our big overnight trip to Washington, D.C. We will meet at 6:30 a.m. Thursday morning and will depart as soon as possible. Everyone received the itinerary and hotel information in the initial packet, so you have an idea of where we will be at various points on the trip. We will return to school Friday evening, and your child will notify you when we are getting close to school. In the meantime, we do have three full days of school before the trip.

8th Social Studies

The students are taking their Chapter 20 test on Monday, which will sum up how the U.S. became a major world power. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the students will learn some background information on the places we will visit in Washington (and most likely go over any last minute questions they will have).

8th Math: Pre-Algebra

This week the students will be reviewing the concepts in lessons 1-3 of Module 7, primarily solving equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign. There will be a quiz on Wednesday, so extra help will be available before school at 7:45 a.m.

8th Religion

This week the students will learn about the Old Testament prophet, Elijah and how he helped the kings of Israel. We will focus especially on how he turned King Ahab back to God after worshiping the idols of his wife, Jezebel. There will be no memory quiz this week.


3/24: Career Day

3/24: Peter Pan Rehearsal: Scenes 4 & 6

3/25: Peter Pan Rehearsal: Scene 5

3/26-03/27: 8th Grade to Washington, D.C.!!!

3/29: Palm Sunday (There will be three services Sunday morning at Trinity. Hope to see you there!)