AAA Traffic Safety Poster ContestDeadline is Tuesday, March 10, 2015  (please email or call should you have any questions).

ECC4/ECC5:  Lucky Rainbow Surprise Fingerprint Painting and Collage

KA/KAA:  Shades of Green/Shamrock Collage

1A/1AA:  Poppies in Perspective…Landscape in Craypas, based on L.Frank Baum’s original tale, The Wizard of Oz

2AA:  Monet’s Waterlilies…Landscape in Tempera and Craypas

3AA:  finishing our Book Character Masks

4A:  Cake Painting based on the style of W. Thiebaud

5A/5AA:  Faux Batik/Landscape in Watercolor and Glue

6AA:  finishing our Pyrapets

7A/7AA:  finishing our Mug-Rug Weaving projects

8A/8AA:  finishing Printing with Ink


Keep Warm and Keep Creating!

Mrs. E. Kerwin