We had another snow day on Monday!!! Will it ever be spring? We planted a red amaryllis bulb. We are learning that plants need air, water, dirt and sunshine to grow. We can’t wait to see our beautiful red flower!

During this love filled week we are:

Art: Creating a valentine heart and card. Mrs. Krass’ afternoon class also created a snowman’s head using a paper doily.  They will look great hanging in the window of our home.

Language Arts: The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond, The Valentine Grump by Rose Greydanus and The Best Thing About Valentines by Eleanor Hudson. We are learning the letters of the alphabet and their sounds as we work with the  alphabet center.

Jesus Time:  Jesus loves me, feelings and love. Songs: Jesus is my valentine and Love, Love, Love.

Movement to Music:  Pass the heart around, somebody sent a valentine, freeze and melt, building a snowman.

Gross motor: Tricycles and playing with balls in our indoor gym.

Math: Counting hearts and our friends, heart match, number bean bag and number bingo.

Technology: SMART table and computer lab ( full day students only)

Notes and reminders:

Please have your child wear red on Thursday and Friday as we celebrate Valentine’s Day with a party in class.

The new date for the ID-A-KID will be on Monday, Feb 23rd. This is the first day back from our winter recess ( Feb. 16 -Feb. 20). Please see Mrs. Krass if you would like your child to participate and have not previously signed up.

The ECC chocolate sale will end the last week in February. Please hand in all money due to your child’s teacher. Checks may be payable to Trinity Lutheran school.

There is still time to join Trinity’s mini-camp for the winter recess. Please see Mrs. Krass if you are interested.  The mini-camp will be Tuesday, Feb. 17 to Friday, Feb. 20.