Spelling: ed and ing words.Test Fri.
Bible: We are reading class sets of ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.’ It is a story of a rabbit who learns to be compassionate as a result of circumstances. The students are enjoying it. We will finish Friday with an activity that will be graded as a classwork grade. Verse test 2/12. 1 Peter 3;8.
ELA; Reading: Story: Lunch Money: Comprehension test Friday
Grammar: Adjectives.Test Friday.
Writing: Friendly letter: We are working in pairs to write a letter as if we were Abilene to Edward Tulane.
S.S.: Ch 10 test Friday. History circles due Friday. State/capital week 2 quiz 2/12.
We will be having a Valentine celebration on Friday. Feel free to have your child bring in Valentine’s for the class.
I have been thinking about this verse this week:
‘In the same way, the good deeds of some people are obvious. And the good deeds done in secret will someday come to light. 1 Timothy 5:25’
It encourages me to keep trying to do good. Even the smallest of things that I think no one may notice. God sees it. I think God is saying to keep being kind, keep giving, keep showing love. God delights in us when we are caring, when we give up for others, when we take time and effort to help. It is hard in our busy lives to continue to care, to give, to help, but it helps to know that I am pleasing my Savior when I do these things. I hope this encourages you in some small way.
Field trip money and permission slip for Hofstra University due 2/12
Have a great week. Be safe and warm. No more snow days!! Mrs. Lively