We are coming to the end of our second marking quarter and there are several major exams coming up which I announced last week.  The students have plenty of study material and should plan to devote at least three or four nights prior to exams to study.  Be sure to take advantage of the online flash cards I made for our class through quizlet.com (note with login information was sent home last week!)

I’d like to invite all 4th grade families to Chapel this Wednesday at 8:40am.  Our class will be hosting the service and sharing a message about praising God through song. 

Week of: January 19-23

Spelling:  turkey, lonely, colony, steady, hungry, valley, hockey, starry, melody, movie, duty, drowsy, chimney, plenty, daily, alley, fifty, empty, injury, prairie Challenge Words: envy, fiery, mercy, discovery, mystery

Reading Vocabulary:  social, exchanges, excess, reinforce, storage, transport, chamber, scarce, obstacles, transfers

Reading:  “The Life and Times of the Ant”; “The Dove and the Ant”; suffixes, -ible, -able

Grammar:  present and past participles

Writing:   Pen Pal letters

Math: Test on Chapter 5; begin Chapter 6 Equivalent fractions

Science:  Test on Chapter 7

Social Studies:  Review Chapter 3

Religion: daily devotions


  • Tuesday – Math Chapter 5
  • Thursday – Memory Quiz
  • Friday – Spelling, Reading, Science Chapter 7

Important News:

  • Math Extra Help FRIDAY at 7:45 am.
  • 4th Grade Chapel Service Wednesday, 8:40am
  • Please invite friends and neighbors to Trinity’s Open House this Saturday, January 24th, from 12-2pm.
  • Picture retake day is Wednesday, January 21st
  • Please order a 2014-2015 Yearbook!  These books hold precious school year memories!  Contact the front office if you need a form sent home.

This week’s Prayer Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3K3roEF36k

Words to Live by This Week:  The secret of getting ahead is getting started. – Mark Twain