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This week is ORANGE week! Please wear orange on Thursday and/or Friday as we celebrate  in class with a pumpkin party!

Art: We are finger-painting red + yellow = orange, five little pumpkins poem and stamping and we are making a jack-o-lantern.

Literacy/Language arts: Mouse’s First Halloween by Lauren Thompson, From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer and Pumpkins by Melvin and Gilda Berger. Alphabet Center.

Jesus Time: God gave me hands to touch and Jesus shines in me.

Movement to Music: Halloween songs and finger plays, Walking to the ABCs and  Spooky Walk.

Science: Signs of autumn, mixing red water and yellow water = orange water.

Math: Counting pumpkins on the calendar and our friends at school.

Technology: SMART table activities.

We are reviewing our colors using our color wheels and playing color/shape bingo!

Reminder:  Buckle Up for Life is tonight at 7:15 pm! Please attend our presentation and receive a free car seat on Nov.12 and 13th.

The AriSon concert is next Thursday, November 6th at 7:30 pm. Tickets are still available. Please join us!