READING- Our essential question is, “Why do people have to take care of their pets?” We will seek to answer that question by reading, I Have A Pet!, Please, Puppy, Please, Different Kinds of Dogs, Baby Bear’s Family, The Party, and My Cat. We will also complete our review of the letters, U-u, V-v, W-w, X-x, Y-y and Z-z, learn the high frequency word “the,” practice speaking in complete sentences, listen to beginning sounds to determine if they are the same, discuss synonyms,( words that have the same or almost the same meanings), story structure, (beginning, middle, and end), name nouns for animals and things, and write captions for a picture.

MATH- Our focus is on comparing sets to determine which has less or fewer, and how many less or fewer than another set, solve problems by using a matching strategy, and compare by counting sets to 5. We will have a test on Chapter 2 on FRIDAY, 10/24. Math pages and notes will be sent home to help  your child review the material we learned.

RELIGION- God blesses Abraham and Isaac is born are our Bible stories this week.

SCIENCE- We will discuss facts about spiders.

SOCIAL STUDIES- Responsibility  is our topic of discussion.

HANDWRITING- Our class will practice forward circles.

JOURNAL- I like the… and each child will name an animal they like.


October is National Anti Bullying Month, and Wednesday, 10/22 is UNITY DAY. Everyone is to wear ORANGE to show our solidarity.

Continue to bring items for the Girl Scout collection box. We want to win the donuts!


Education can’t make us all leaders—- but it can teach us which leader to follow.

An added comment from Mrs. Uss. “Don’t follow a bully! Be a leader who stands up for others!”

Have a great week!

Mrs. Uss