Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. This week the students will be taking the Terra Nova Exams. Therefore, the class schedule will be a little out of the norm.

8th Social Studies

This week the 8th grade will be finishing their study of Reconstruction and will begin preparing for the chapter 16 test next week.  The story of Reconstruction had some rather sad effects that impacted the lives of African Americans in the South for close to 100 years after the Civil War ended. This article sums up what was probably the lowest point of the whole process.  As I said to the students, we are fortunate to live in a much more equal society today.

8th Math

This week we will continue with Module 2, and will focus more on scientific notation. The students will learn when and how to use scientific notation with both positive and negative exponents. Because of the testing schedule, the class will only meet three times this week, so do not be alarmed if there is not Math homework tonight.

8th Religion

First, there will be no memory quiz this week. Second, the Tough Times Toolkit project is due Thursday. If your child is still unsure of the requirements, the instructions may be accessed here. The students will present their work beginning on Thursday, so they need to bring their project on a flash drive, poster, or email it to me as an attachment.