Second Grade Notes

October 14th – 17th

I hope everyone enjoyed the three day weekend with family and friends!!

As you know this week we are taking the Terra Nova tests.  Your child does not need to study for these tests.  However, they should get plenty of rest and eat a good breakfast each morning!  I know the children will do great!!

If you have any questions at all please let me know.

Here is a look at what we are working on this week:

Math:  We will have a Chapter 2 Math Test on Wednesday!!!  We will not begin Chapter 3 until we are done with the Terra Nova testing.  

Reading:  We will not be starting  a new lesson in our Journeys this week due to the testing.

Phonics/Spelling:  No new spelling list.  For Phonics we will be reviewing.

Grammar:  Review

Science:  We will be talking about how seeds are scattered and how plants are grouped.

Social Studies:  We will continue talking about citizenship and living in communities.


  • This Saturday, October 18th, is the Fall Festival here at Trinity.  It would be great if you could all join us!
  • All Yankee candle fundraising is due right away!
  • If you have not sent in your class money  please do so as soon as you can.  A memo was sent home last week from the class moms.
  • All pizza money is due on Thursday.
  • Picture Day is next Monday, October 20th.

Tests This Week

Wednesday – Math Test Chapter 2

Terra Nova Testing all week

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Philipians 4:13