I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!

Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

We will be taking the Terra Nova Achievement tests this week, so there will be no new Spelling words, and we will not be starting a new Reading story. There will be no Reading or Spelling homework this week!

Reading: We will not be starting a new story in our Reading books, but I will be reading stories to the children and we will do comprehension worksheets about the stories.

Math- addition strategies; adding doubles

Weekly Reader- Searching for the Santa Maria

Science- Chapter 1 test on Thursday; study guide went home last week

Social Studies- Neighbors

1AA News

Our Star of the Week is Freddy!

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Encourage your children to keep earning stickers on their reward charts each day. We want to encourage good behavior with positive reinforcement. They love earning enough stickers to go to the Treasure Chest!

Please remember to send in the class party money. We will be having a Fall Pumpkin Party on Friday, Oct. 31st.

Send in your child’s pizza money by Thursday morning of each week.

Uniform shorts may no longer be worn until the spring! Please remember that shoes (not sneakers) must be worn with jumpers and pants. The children should have a pair of sneakers to keep in school for recess and gym.

Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected]