Happy Monday, everyone! Just a couple of reminders before going into the work for this week:

1) If your child will be purchasing hot lunch for the month of October, please download the menu and send it in ASAP.

2) Denim Day is Friday, October 3rd. The donation is $3, if your child pays ahead, and $5 if they pay on Friday. The proceeds go toward Breast Cancer research.

8th Social Studies

The test on the Civil War will take place on Wednesday. I gave out the study guides on Friday, but you may find it here. On Thursday, we will begin studying the challenges that the nation now faced while recovering and rebuilding from the Civil War.

8th Religion

This week, the students will be studying the life of Abraham’s son, Isaac. To supplement the day to day work, the students were assigned their First Quarter project, the Tough Times Tool Kit. This is due October 16th, and the requirements are outlined here. As I told the students, they are to pick a somewhat serious topic that they feel truly impacts teens today. The memory verse for this week is Philippians 4:6-7, which can be found on page 23 of the student workbook, or here. This is a lengthy passage, but contains a powerful message for all of us to remember.

8th Pre-Algebra

Today the pre-algebra class will begin Module 2, which goes into exponents and scientific notation. Remember, an online version of the book can be found at my.hrw.com. There will likely be a quiz on Lesson 2.1 on Friday.