Spelling: Test Friday
s.s.: Ch 2 test Wed. Winter counts calendar due: Thurs. Timeline due;9/22
ELA: We are reading a story called ‘A Royal Mystery’ We are talking about how dialogue between characters can give you an idea of what a character is like.
Grammar: Types of sentences
Writing: Short story writing. Writing about someone who accomplished a difficult task.
Bible: Next verse test 10/9: Matthew 6;33
We are creating a bulletin board telling everyone various ways to ‘fill buckets’. We read the book Have You Filled A bucket Today? This explains we all have invisible buckets that hold our good thoughts and feelings about ourselves. People can add to our buckets when they say or do positive things for us. They can take from our buckets with unkind words or actions. We have been thinking about how our words and actions affect others and are trying to fill buckets throughout the day.
Tuesday we are taking a walking trip to see the Hicksville United Methodist Food Pantry. Please send in the permission slip.
Have a great week. We are getting into the swing of things….. Mrs. Lively