All Students Should Be Bringing A Pencil To Art Class Each Week


ECC4/ECC5 Classes enjoyed their welcome visit to the art room and will be working on our small motor skills in drawing, coloring, tracing and cutting.

KA/KAA – After reading the tall tale, Johnny Appleseed Goes A Planting, the kindergarten classes enjoyed making textured bark out of brown tissue for their fall trees.  This week we will add our favorite apples to our Apple Orchard of Trees!

1A/1AA – We are finishing our Rainbow Fish Watercolor and Craypas project.

2A – Last week we had our lesson outside and learned how to draw a tree.  We will use this lesson to draw an Autumn Activity.  Then, we will enhance our pictures with fall colors and tempera sponge painting techniques.

3AA – We will enjoy our lesson based on V. vanGogh’s Sunflowers.  Students will learn how to draw a vase with flowers then apply shading techniques with craypas.

4A – Class 4A will enjoy a tour of the church with focus on the stained glass, sculpture work, Gates of Paradise Doors and other historic artwork.  Students will create a sketch of their favorite piece of art and use a variety of media for coloring.

5A/5AA – We are finishing our Surreal Art pictures.

6A/6AA – Our 6th Grade classes are creating motion in art!  They are making clever design choices with color and line in their Sneaker Paintings.

7A/7AA – We are finishing our Tissue Collages.

8A/8AA – Our 8th Graders studied E. Munch’s “The Scream” and will be creating their very own version of what makes them scream.  The students were asked to draw pictures capturing their phobias.  Fear of heights, spiders, clowns and public speaking were just some of the phobias mentioned in our discussions.

Art Elective – three groups of students will be designing and constructing their original 3D plans for a Community Center Complex — let the fun begin!!!

Will you create something new this week?

Mrs. Ellen Kerwin