I hope everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day weekend with the warm summer-like weather! Only 3 more weeks until summer vacation, but we still have so much learning to do!

For art we will be learning about butterfly symmetry as we watch Ms. Dugan’s butterflies hatch out of their chrysalis’!

We will be starting our Nursery Rhyme  unit by making a Hey Diddle Diddle picture, doing a Hey Diddle Diddle movement to music song and reading along with a felt read-and-play Nursery Rhyme book.

We will also start to learn some rhyming words by reading  Hop on Pop by Dr. Suess and looking at pictures on our rhyming chart.

For Jesus time we will have a chapel lesson about Ascension Thursday with Ms. Dugan and we will continue to practice our songs for the closing program.

Extra special this week: We will be taking an in school field trip to the Critter Club! Ms. Dugan’s visit is scheduled for Thursday morning at 8:50 so we are asking everyone to arrive by 8:30. M/W/F students are welcome to attend as well! Please be at school by 8:30 and plan for our visit to last about 1/2 hour.

Mrs. Krass’ class will visit the critter room on Monday, June 2, at 11;30 am.  Mrs. Krass’ students will be dismissed at 12 noon on that day.

Closing program reminder: Our program is scheduled for Monday June 9 at 9:15am in the chapel. We will follow with a small reception in the classroom with refreshments. A sign up sheet will be hung outside the classrooms this week.

Our last day of school is Friday June 13th.