No spelling

Writing: We are paragraph writing about the Franklin Institute and our day in Philadelphia.

Grammar: Future tense

Math: Fractions: Least Common Multiple, Least Common Denominator, Equivalent Fractions Quiz Thursday.

S.S.: State/Capital map: Week 9 Quiz Thursday. Chapter 14 test Friday. We are completing a foldable,  We will be completing a television project that involves your child bringing in research on a person from the chapter by Thursday.

Science: Chapter 12: Changes in Matter: Test Wed. June 4.

Reading: We are reading The Tiger Rising. It’s an emotional story of friendship and courage. Ask your child about it. We will be writing about it at various parts of the book. There will be a quiz Tuesday, June 3.

Bible: Verse test Friday, May 30. Galatians 6;9 We will be discussing perseverance.


Thanks to everyone who went to Philadelphia with us. The students were very well behaved and a great time was had by all. It is wonderful to work with such cooperative, caring families.

Friday, May 30 we will be selling snacks at the drama club performance of Beauty and the Beast Jr. If you are able, please send in water bottles or individually packaged snacks or baked goods that we can sell.  We need a few students to sell during the play. (A parent has to remain with them, but doesn’t need to purchase a ticket.) If you are willing and able, please fill out and return the slip that went home Tuesday. All money made will go to the Hicksville United Methodist Food Pantry. Thanks!!

This week I have been pondering the verse:

‘God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.’   Matthew  5:7

It is a great reminder that our God is a loving, yet fair God. The more I give of myself, the more I bless others, the more I extend mercy, the more I will be blessed in return.  It is easy in our crazy, busy, hectic lives to lose sight of the small merciful, compassionate things we can do or say to those around us each day.  I pray God helps me show mercy when its needed.  I pray others will be merciful to me when I desire it but don’t necessarily deserve it.  Just a thought.

Enjoy the beautiful weather!!             Mrs. Lively