Spelling: verbs, test Friday
Reading: We will be finishing The Sign on the Beaver: Test Friday. Summary and questions due Friday.
Grammar: verbs, quiz Friday.
Writing: Descriptive writing.
S.S.: Ch 13 take home test Wed.Due Thursday. We will begin ch 14; Slavery and Emancipation
Science: Matter; test Tuesday, May 20th.Open book
Bible: Verse test Wed. Proverbs 15:1. We are reading stories in the Chicken Soup for Kids books and discussing the themes and what the Bible says about them.
Our Philadelphia trip is fast approaching. We will be discussing it in class and sending home information.
Book Review due May 30th
Band/orchestra concert Monday night. 6:30
Chorus Concert Tuesday night
I hope to see you at Trinity’s Mega Yard sale this Saturday!!!
I have been thinking about 1 John 1:9 lately.
But if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
I have been acquainted with this verse for a long time but for some reason it has been going through my mind. I am struck by the idea that God doesn’t see my past mistakes and failures when He looks at me. In fact, I am thinking that He sees the gifts and talents He himself has given me. It encourages me to think that God sees me with hope and potential.
I hope this lifts you up in some small way. Mrs. Lively