Our spring concert will be on Tuesday night, May 20th, at 7:00 p.m.  We will be presenting the musical, “A Technicolor Promise”, by Allen Pote and Carole McCann.  It is a musical that retells the story of Noah and the Ark.  I am getting very excited about presenting this show to everyone and the children have been singing great.

As far as dress for the concert, I would like us to dress in the colors of the rainbow.  Please have your child wear the color that I will list for their class. .  In the story the children are all supposed to be part of one big class, so any type of shirt is fine, jeans and sneakers may also be worn.

The colors for each class will be as follows:

KA – Red shirts

KAA – Orange shirts

1AA – Yellow shirts

2AA – Girls in Green, Boys in Blue

3AA – Boys in Blue or Indigo (If you can find one!), Girls in Purple.


Children should plan on meeting in their classrooms by 6:40 p.m. on the night of May 20th.   I look forward to seeing you then!

3rd Grade parents – please continue working on lines with you children so we can have them memorized.