I hope that everyone had a blessed Easter and enjoyed some time off with your families!

We will be listening to some poetry this week and then writing a few poems of our own!  Before starting our next Math Module, we will review Module 4 and the exam will be given next Monday, 5/5. 

Trinity is excited about the new Math and Language Arts series that we have selected for the 2014-2015 school year!

Week of: April 28-May 2

Spelling: farmer’s, poets’, group’s, calf’s, watches’, fish’s, poem’s, calves’, brother’s, herd’s, couples’, mother’s, wives’, child’s, fathers’, daughter’s, sisters’, children’s, wife’s, sons’

Vocabulary: attentive, effective, initial, obtain

Writing Journal Assignment:  Students have been given a sample poem, “When the Rain Falls,” by Susan Taylor Brown.  This week’s assignment is to follow the noun-verb pattern in the sample and write a 6-line pome about spring, using alliteration.

Math: Review Module 4

Science: Chapter 12, Why Does Matter Have Energy?

Social Studies: Chapter 9, Inventions and Industries

Reading: Ongoing free reading in class, reading notebook, conferencing

Language Arts: Adverbs

Religion: daily devotions


  • Friday – Spelling

Important News:

  • Math Extra Help will be given on Wednesday, 4/30 and Monday, 5/5, at 7:45 am.
  • Inventor Research Reports have been assigned and are due on Friday, May 9th.


This week’s Prayer Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga3DmPRPAQQ